Star Wars (1977) 
September 27, 2003 at 7:30 and 10:30pm in 26-100.
Episode IV: A New Hope
A film that needs no description; breaking box-office records, setting the benchmark for special effects for a decade to come, and even introducing new phrases
into our lexicon ("the Force", "Jedi", "light-saber.")
Yes, indeed, Star Wars IV returns to the BIG SCREEN at LSC! This
title is NOT AVAILABLE on DVD, and loses much of its impact in the measly 200x280 pixel resolution of widescreen VHS.
Experience the visceral thrill of TIE fighters sweeping across the screen! Feel the punch to your stomach as "millions of voices suddenly [cry] out in terror"
and the awesome power of the DEATH STAR destroys an entire planet! And cheer with fellow freedom lovers as the Alliance strikes a blow against the Evil Empire.
Come back next month for the film that inspired Star Wars, legendary director Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress. Featuring: two bumbling fools
(one short), a Princess, a warlike rival clan, and a climactic swordfight between two great generals with a long history between them.
These shows of Star Wars and The Hidden Fortress are made possible by funding from the MIT Japan Program.