Rated R
112 minutes
IMDB trailer [RealPlayer]
Being John Malkovich (1999) 
Friday, June 27, 2003 at 8:00pm in 26-100 and
Saturday, June 28, 2003 at 8:00pm in 26-100.
**** FOUR STARS **** Every once in a long, long while a movie comes along that is like no other ... Either Being John Malkovich gets nominated for best picture, or the members of the Academy need portals into their brains.       -- Roger Ebert, The Chicago Sun-Times. Read this review.
What if you found a portal into someone else's mind? If you could be that person for fifteen minutes, thinking his thoughts and controlling his actions? Then, after those fifteen minutes were up, come tumbling down out of the sky onto the shoulder of the New Jersey Turnpike?
The New Jersey Turnpike? Weren't expecting that, were you? And you won't expect anything that happens in this endlessly inventive, outrageously daring comedy. Find out the history of the seventh-and-a-half floor, and discover what happens when John Malkovich goes through a portal into his own brain! Malkovich Malkovich anyone?
Starring John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, Catherine Keener, and, of course, John Malkovich. Recently featured in the Academy-Award winning film Adaptation, also by screenwriter Charlie Kaufman.