
February 11, 2008

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A FREE Lecture event:

Big Picture Panel on Sustainable Energy

February 11, 2008 at 5:00 pm in 32-123

Climate change is making it increasingly clear that we need sustainable energy - a supply that does not destroy our other resources, and a habit of using energy efficiently.

To understand how this will be affecting you and your life choices, we need to look at the Big Picture. What are the biggest obstacles to sustainable energy? What is being done right now? How will this be affecting your career? Come and see what the experts have to say.

Featuring Michael Greenstone from the Department of Economics, Jeffrey Tester from the Department of Chemical Engineering, Leon Glicksman from the Department of Architecture, and Sarah Slaughter from the Sloan School of Management.

The Big Picture Panel is the kickoff event of Focus on Climate Change (February 12-14), and is cosponsored by SAVE.

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