Rated PG-13
100 minutes
A FREE Sneak Preview
Blades of Glory (2007)
March 22, 2007 at 8:00 pm in 26-100
When rival figure skaters Chazz Michael Michaels (Will Ferrell) and Jimmy MacElroy (Jon Heder) go ballistic in an embarrassing, no-holds-barred fight at the World Championships, they are stripped of their gold medals and banned from the sport for life. Now, three-and-a-half years on, they've found a loophole that will allow them to compete: if they can put aside their differences, they can skate together –- in pairs' figure skating. [www.rottentomatoes.com]
This show is a FREE sneak preview! Admission is limited to the MIT Community and guests. An MIT or Wellesley ID is required for receipt of up to two tickets per ID. Tickets will be available beginning at 6 pm in Lobby 16, in preferred admission order. Arrive early for the best seats!