LSC Event Descriptions

October 28 & 29, 2006

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Rated R
114 minutes

Night Watch (2004)
October 28, 2006 at 7:00 and 10:00 pm in 26-100
October 29, 2006 at 10:00 pm in 26-100

The first part of a trilogy, Night Watch is an old-fashioned good vs. evil parable that relies on some thoroughly modern special effects to ensnare its audience. Set in present-day Moscow, the movie begins with a quick skip back through the centuries to inform us how a delicate truce was struck between the forces of Light and Dark. These forces still exist in Moscow, with both sides keeping a close eye on each other as they attempt to disguise themselves from the earth's mere mortals. Night Watch's central character is Anton Gorodetsky (Konstantin Khabensky), who is defined as an "Other" by the legions of Light and Dark. Anton and his cohorts live as vampires, and await the arrival of a virgin who will announce the resumption of hostilities between the forces of Light and Dark; as the film progresses, it becomes apparent that an epic battle is just around the corner. []

"Night Watch is quite possibly the coolest vampire movie of the decade."
      -- Staci Layne Wilson, Read this review.

In Russian with English subtitles.

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