120 minutes
LSC Classics Presents:
Monsieur N (2003) 
February 26, 2005 at 7:00 and 10:00pm in 26-100, and
February 27, 2005 at 10:00pm in 26-100.
Antoine de Caunes' second feature, Monsieur N. is a historical mystery thriller about Napoleon. Sir Hudson Lowe (Richard E. Grant) is assigned to guard Napoleon (Philippe Torreton) while the latter is in exile in Saint Helena. A local girl, Betsy (Siobhan Hewlett), has a crush on the exiled leader. This, along with the fact that keeping Napoleon on the island is costing the British a great sum of money, leads Lowe to consider drastic action. [movies.yahoo.com]
"Handsomely designed and photographed, impeccably played, and both satisfyingly complex and ingeniously plausible."       -- David Parkinson, Empire Magazine. Read this review.