Rated PG-13
111 minutes
House of Flying Daggers (Shi mian mai fu) (2004) 
May 7, 2005 at 7:00 and 10:00pm in 26-100, and
May 8, 2005 at 10:00pm in 26-100.
Near the end of the Tang Dynasty, police deputies Jin (Kaneshiro) and Leo (Lau) tangle with Mei (Ziyi), a dancer suspected of having ties to a revolutionary faction known as the House of Flying Daggers. Enraptured by her, the deputies concoct a plan to save her from capture, and Jin leads her north in what becomes a perilous journey into the unknown. [movies.yahoo.com]
2004 Oscar Nominations:
Best Cinematography
" Flying Daggers is a martial arts love triangle ... a tale of love, betrayal and tragedy, with beautiful photography and solid performances."
      -- Bob Bloom, Journal and Courier. Read this review.