Rated R
130 minutes
City of God (2002) 
October 11, 2003 at 7:00 and 10:00pm in 26-100 and
October 12, 2003 at 10:00pm in 26-100.
"Sometimes a movie comes along that just floors you, its images burn so
deeply. 'City of God' is such a film."       -- Peter Travers, Rolling Stone. Read this review.
"'City of God' is a potent and unexpected mixture of authenticity and flash."       -- Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times. Read this review.
"'Cidade de Deus' é o filme certo no momento certo."       -- Pablo Villaca, Cinema em Cena. Read this review.
Come see the only Brazilian movie in the IMDB top 100 movies of all time!
This movie explores one of the darkest places and times in Brazil's recent
history. Beginning in the late 1960's, in a housing project ironically
nicknamed the City of God, two young men, condemned to the violence of the
mean streets of Rio De Janiero, choose vastly different paths. They mature
through the 1980's, as one becomes a drug dealer, powerful but always in
danger, while the other, intelligent and too small to fight, finds his calling
as a photographer, documenting the vignettes which describe so accurately the
lives of those wrapped in this world of drugs and crime. Tragic, truthful, and
unforgettable, this film honestly depicts devastating violence and the souls